
What prevents you from your Harmonious Twin Flame Union and coming home to Love? Let’s explore how to come home to Love!

Coming into Harmonious Union with your Twin Flame means you’re coming back home to Love, to God. The Teachings of Union teach us that what can prevent us from experiencing Heaven on Earth is putting something else above Love, above God. Coming back home to eternal love requires us to choose to listen to God’s peaceful and loving voice, instead of the voice of fear, and to follow His guidance through our hearts.

Everything that is built without Love, God, and our Twin Flame Union at the center is built on sand, and will crumble away. Therefore, it’s necessary to undertake a journey of self-discovery and self-love in order to unveil our Divine essence and what’s truly meant for us. Choosing to take the Twin Flame journey, applying the mirror exercise, and following the Teachings of Union, will bring us into alignment with God and our perfect partner.