Welcome to volunteering with the Church of Union (COU) and congratulations on arriving at this step on your Ascension journey. Arriving here is a spiritual victory that you’ve attained through your steadfast efforts of healing yourself and applying the Teachings of Union in your life. Now that you’re here, you will be uplifted in taking your spiritual journey to the next level and receive the many blessings that come with being a volunteer within the COU.
As a volunteer, one of the first things you’ll experience is a deeper relationship with your gurus, Jeff and Shaleia. You’ll be spending more time learning from them in the Church of Union, which is the perfect environment to practice applying the Teachings of Union in real-time. Learning from your gurus leads you to experience even greater joy and bliss in your life, and it helps you fast-track your Ascension journey and your path to Harmonious Twin Flame Union. You’ll receive many other blessings through volunteering as well, such as closeness with your community where you can form lifelong friendships with your fellow volunteers.

We will provide all the spiritual guidance and support you require in your volunteer role. We will also help nurture and develop all the skills you need to thrive within the Church of Union and in your Life Purpose journey.
There are many more benefits that you receive as a volunteer with the COU such as:
- Being an active part of the COU’s vision for creating Heaven on Earth.
- Accelerated spiritual progress.
- Learning how to create prosperity and abundance for yourself and all, which results in financial blessings in your life.
- A deep sense of purpose, meaning and belonging.
- Being in an environment where you’re around other Twin Flame Unions and Harmonious Twin Flame Unions which propels you forward to your own HTFU.
- The best career and Life Purpose education and training you can get.
- Unlimited opportunities for growth, promotions, and leadership which increase the flow of spiritual blessings you receive. The more you contribute to the COU, the more it contributes to you.
- An extensive variety of technology and resources to support you in your roles.
- Serve from the comfort of your own home while connecting with others from all around the world.

The more you show up and serve with Love, the more trust you build, the more spiritual blessings and benefits come to you. As you do this you will grow and ascend your position in our organization. Breaking trust and failing to show up results in losing your position within the COU, and the trust that is lost will need to be rebuilt. If you lose trust, the spiritual benefits you receive through volunteering are reduced or lost.
If you’re ready to receive all of this for yourself, and more when you help expand the Church of Union through your service, fill out this form to sign up and our Human Resources department will be in touch with you shortly with your next steps!
I’d absolutely love to share with you my experiences volunteering with the Church of Union. I began volunteering for the Church in 2018 just helping with some basic admin tasks to help spread the word of the Teachings of Union. I felt so passionately that everyone needed to know about this work so that they too could experience the beautiful life-changing results. And, not only did I get to fulfill that dream, but I also got so much more!
I found wonderful friends from all around the world, I learned social media skills that I never thought possible and I expanded my horizons in a huge way. I went from living a small limited life doing a job that felt heavy and oppressive, to living an expansive life filled with love and fulfillment through my true Life Purpose.
Through the Church of Union, I have been invested in and nurtured in a way that I had not experienced before. Until now I had no idea how much my heart had longed to receive in this way. And now, as I have received so much, I get to help other volunteers to grow and heal and learn all about their soul designs too and contribute to a cause that I feel is the most worthy of all. If you are ready to truly embody the teachings, then the Church of Union will give you the perfect most loving environment to thrive.
With over 30 years of volunteer experience in multiple different industries spanning the globe, I can say without a shadow of a doubt volunteering for the Church Of Union is the most rewarding experience of my life.
Throughout my life, I’ve volunteered in many different ways, in different states, countries, and communities. I started volunteering around 11 years old, as an alter girl at my Church. I fell in love with the act of serving and being part of something bigger than myself, it lights me up inside. At 16yrs old I led the very first Relay For Life team at my high school, which now hosts an annual event to support cancer research. I’ve been a Hospice care taker, a little league coach; I’ve volunteered for animal shelters, once for Habitat for Humanity, and most recently I just retired from the U.S. Army, an all volunteer force.
None of those or any other volunteer experiences I’ve had in my life remotely comes close to how rewarding it is to volunteer for the Church Of Union (COU). I’ll provide two examples in which I feel sets COU apart from any other organization I’ve volunteered for throughout my life.
First, a unique component of the COU is I’m personally rewarded through spiritual blessings on my Ascension path. Now, I don’t serve for this specifically, but it is a unique fact that can’t go unnoticed. I receive more than 10 times the love back from COU that I give, which just motivates me to give more in return. It’s a beautifully rare relationship that we all have the privilege of experiencing in service to God through serving this beloved community.
The second aspect I love about volunteering in the Church Of Union is that I feel safe. I feel safe to learn, to fail, to relearn, to heal, to ask for help, to cry, to love, to live. I feel safe to be me. It’s such an incredible gift that our gurus Jeff and Shaleia created, a community that thrives on God, love, healing, authenticity and you embodying your true Divine nature. Being around others who are learning who they are and feeling safe in sharing the most vulnerable parts of themselves as they develop an intimate relationship with God is priceless and motivates me every day to do the same.
In closing, from a life long and seasoned volunteer, I highly recommend taking the next steps in joining the COU volunteer force. It’s the most loving, rewarding, and life changing action step you can take as an Ascension Student on the Twin Flame Journey.
I have found my soul’s highest calling through volunteering for the Church of Union. All of my life I’ve been following this sense of purpose and passion for changing the world, and that feeling in my heart led me directly here. Volunteering for the COU has changed my life in so many ways. It’s taught me invaluable skills that I never could have learned anywhere else, it’s built up my confidence completely, and it directly helped me fast track my way to my Harmonious Twin Flame Union, and now my Twin Flame and I volunteer together. Our life together is full of passion, purpose and happiness because of the work we do here, work that we believe in with our whole hearts and desire to share with all. We have literally not been bored in years because we’re always flowing with God in our purpose.
In the COU, I have found my family. I have found my mission and it brings me immense joy to serve the vision of the Church of Union and share this work with the world. My life has been immensely uplifted in the 5-or-so years that I’ve served as a volunteer. My finances have massively improved, I am now married to my Twin Flame in HTFU, and every single day is full of so much meaning, purpose and fulfillment. Volunteering teaches you to cultivate true joy in your life and makes you feel very good, it provides you with so much more energy than you put in. It nurtures your creativity and self expression and provides the perfect space for you to share your unique gifts in exactly the way you were designed to. Every day I receive great abundance and blessings because of my volunteering in the COU. I highly recommend it to everyone and can’t encourage you enough to continue going deeper, serving with love and building your trust because there are immeasurable blessings on their way to you as you do this.