Welcome to this Sunday Service.
Do you sometimes feel afraid of going into your cave of fear? How does it feel knowing that God is with you, just as He was there for Jesus in Jesus’s experience through Crucifixion and Resurrection?
The Teachings of Union give us the opportunity to reevaluate what Jesus was truly teaching us when He went through the process of Crucifixion. Jesus was showing us what it meant to unconditionally surrender to God’s will and to God’s love. Even though His experience was particularly brutal and extreme, Jesus had to really go through it in order to ascend and show us the way towards light and peace within ourselves.
Through His experience, Jesus was also teaching us that it’s safe and loving to follow God’s guidance and to be supported by God on our own spiritual journey. Jesus invites each and every one of us to trust that, on the other side of our pain and fears, is a whole unique life of purpose for us to enjoy with our Creator.