
Welcome to this Sunday Service.

Maybe you’ve had the feeling that life seems to go by so quickly and you’d like to achieve so much more. Or perhaps, you’ve accepted that death means the end. This week’s sermon invites you to explore your relationship with death and limitation so that you can begin to see the truth of your creation in a new way.

Have you ever taken the time to consider your feelings about death? And how would that change your perspective of living your life now? This sermon dives into our generally accepted experience of death, our fears surrounding having a limited time on Earth and what happens to us when we cease to exist here. Referencing Jeff and Shaleia’s insightful Sunday Sermon on Reincarnation, these questions are examined so that we can feel our feelings and heal any fearful and misaligned beliefs about the truth of our existence. Afterall, with God as our Creator, we were lovingly designed to live a fruitful and effortless life in the vibration of eternity.