
Welcome to this Sunday Service.

There can be times when we just don’t know if we can overcome the challenges before us. We might even feel angry or resentful and doubt that we are loved by our Creator. Using the gift of poetry, the Sermon this week will bring you power and humility indeed, with a new perspective in times of greatest need.

When we’re facing a mountain of challenges, all of our fears tend to emerge. But even in the dark night of the soul, at these very testing times, this is exactly when we can know God more deeply than ever before. Trusting that there is a purpose for whatever you are facing can bring relief and faith. And then knowing how to deal with the mountain is what will lead to your success. Jeff and Shaleia have brought us the tools to surmount any mountain placed in our way through the Teachings of Union, this gift is priceless. Let our success become the doorway to loving our brothers and sisters all over the planet so that we may all become champions of love.