
Welcome to this Sunday Service.

Do you want to live a meaningful life? Do you feel sad or hopeless when you think about your goals in life? Are you struggling to see the next step on your Life Purpose journey? How can your Twin Flame help you to find your way and build your ideal life together? Join us this week to find out more!

We don’t have to settle with a life without meaning and without our ideal partner. We deserve a life with purpose in love and partnership with our Twin Flame. At the beginning of our spiritual journey, we may feel a lack of hope and motivation. The key to our ideal life is to do our spiritual daily work. We need to heal block after block, by applying the Mirror Exercise and welcoming the steps that God provides us. This work will bring joy, peace and support into our lives. This will be the foundation of the life of our dreams. On this path of Union with our Twin Flame and our Life Purpose, we need to know that our best is enough and that God wants us to embody all our dreams, because that is how he created us and that is the truth of our Divine Self.