
Have you ever experienced upsets with your guru? Do you want to experience the fullness of the love that is available to you in the guru-student relationship? In this sermon, Executive Ministers of Union Jason and Chrissy share how to heal relationship upsets in your relationship with guru so you can thrive in your spiritual life.

As we go about the spiritual journey, upset feelings can come up. These are opportunities for healing. The guru, as our spiritual guide, helps illuminate those wounds, not for the purpose of suffering, but for healing. When we do not take these opportunities to heal, these upsets remain in us and cause us great suffering over time.

In this sermon, Jason and Chrissy compassionately explore the ways these upsets may arise and how they can manifest so that they can be quickly identified and healed. This is what allows your relationship with God to deepen and expand. This is also how you receive the loving gift your guru gives you as your spiritual guide.