
Welcome to this Sunday Service.

Do you desire the deepest most fulfilling romance possible? Are you willing to invest all of yourself into Love Itself to reap the greatest rewards imaginable? If your heart answered “Yes!” then you are in the right place to receive your next step with this week’s sermon.

To feel the all-encompassing embrace of your eternal lover requires a very deep commitment to Love Itself. The Ascension journey requires all of you. All of your life. All of your love. When you can open yourself to being shaped into becoming the best lover possible for God’s sake alone, you will have mastered the process. All love comes from God. The whole Ascension journey to your Harmonious Twin Flame Union is the pursuit of God; Love. So, let God lead the way for you. Build the foundation for your relationship with Love Itself and enjoy the process. Your life and your relationship with God and your Twin Flame is the greatest romance that has ever been.